Game of Class

By Dillon Sweeney




Wiping themselves with gold to eating dirt, Game of Thrones has it all in terms of class. There’s a common phrase that is said throughout the series “a Lannister always pays his debts” and it’s probably because they have more money than god. Not every family, or faction is this lucky though. The Starks aren’t poor, but they aren’t wealthy by any means. You could classify them as a working-class family. The High Sparrow and sparrows are extremely poor and are barely surviving in King’s Landing. Hell, there are even slaves in Game of Thrones. What makes this show great, is that all these different people from different classes are all vying for the Iron Throne.

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Ned Stark, rest in peace, experienced a shock to the system when he went to King’s Landing in season 1. Coming from the North, they work hard for everything they receive, they don’t buy their way out of anything and character matters. But his interactions in Westeros showed that he was a fish out of water. Blades for higher, brothel owners, spies and many more types of evil are at every turn. Ultimately, his death, could be a result of his wealth. Think about it. In a place where money and resources are key, he is outmatched in every way. The Lannisters look down on the poor and took advantage of Ned Stark. As a result, his son Robert takes the role as King in the North. How I mentioned earlier that character matters to the Starks, it matters to the other factions in the North as well. None of them have money by any means but they all rely on strong relationships. They are all working class people who all have the same goal of surviving Winter.

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From rags to riches, Daenerys Targaryen simply starts with her surname and three dragon eggs. Very early on it seems that she will only be just a wife to Khal Drogo, a barbarian king. Yet when he dies, she embraces the role as Khalessi and works her way to being the most powerful character on the show. Right after Drogo dies, Daenerys and her new followers are simply the lowest of the low. Constantly fighting for food and water. She eventually realizes she has the most valuable item in all of the seven Kingdoms, dragons. Using this to her advantage she trades one of her dragons for an army of Unsullied who are slave mercenaries. After she acquires the army, she uses them to kill the slavers and set the slaves free because she knows what it’s like being at the bottom of the totem pole. Using her dragons, army and smarts, Daenerys works her way through classes, and becomes a force to be reckoned with.
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The most hate able group on the show is the richest. The Lannisters are hell bent on money and power. As the family is in control of the throne for 98 percent of the show, they use their money to conquer. Buying armies and supplies to destroy their enemies. They are very cruel and look down on the lesser people and will flaunt their wealth in front of the common folk. Easily they can always be seen eating feasts, drinking wine or mead, and wearing the fanciest outfits. All while they are snug in their castle and the “king” sits on a throne of swords. The bratty king, Joffrey Baratheon, son of Cersei Lannister, is an annoying kid and gets whatever he wants as king. I believe this goes to show you the difference in class though. As Joffrey comes from money and power already, sitting high class. Robert Stark finds his position as king as a job and responsibility. At one point, when Joffrey intended to marry Sansa, he had ordered his guard to beat Sansa. Tyrion told him to stop and Joffrey responded with that he is king, and he can do whatever he wants.

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The Lannisters are high class, yes, but they aren’t as classy as the Tyrells. Led by Olenna, the Tyrells aren’t seen in many battles. Instead, Lady Olenna uses her wealth and knowledge to fight her enemies. The Tyrells differ from the Lannisters in that, it was always politics and smarts they used as weapons while the Lannisters used money to buy physical strength. They are both considered high class families, but they use their class in different ways. It always seemed like the Tyrells were more elegant than others. Margaery Tyrell was always dressed the most beautifully and spoke better than most. You could say that this family is upper-high class.


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Looking at all the families and groups in Game of Thrones will show you the diversity in terms of class. There are so many to mention that wouldn’t fit but the ones I mentioned are the most prominent. Starting with a working-class group in the Starks. Moving to poor with Daenerys Targaryen. And then looking at two types of upper class in the Lannisters and Tyrells. It’s important to realize their class status when watching the show because it will display to you their values, morals, and how they behave.

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